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Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

  1. Welcome to the WOOCOON website (hereinafter: “WOOCOON” and/or “the Site”). The user is responsible for visiting and/or using the Site, which is for his own private purposes, subject to the provisions of the terms and conditions detailed below as well as the law.

  2. Please carefully read the Terms and Conditions and contact us with any questions in relation to the Terms and Conditions via email at

  3. By using the Site and/or the services it offers, whether by browsing the Site or by accessing the Site in its entirety and/or in part by means of different media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and others, you confirm the acceptance of its Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree to the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, you are requested to not use the Site.

  4. You are not at liberty to accept the Terms and Conditions and use the Site if you are not eligible to enter into a binding legal agreement, inter alia, due to your age, or if using the Site is prohibited according to the laws applicable to you or for any other reason.

  5. For the sake of convenience only, the Terms and Conditions have been written in the masculine form; wherever users are mentioned in the Terms and Conditions in the masculine form, the feminine form is also intended, be it a person or an incorporated or unincorporated entity. The words “content” or “information”, include, inter alia, data, signs, concepts or instructions, software, video, audio, pictures, text, audio files, creative works, trademarks, service marks, trade names, patents and designs.

  6. The Site is free to periodically change the Terms and Conditions and the Private Policy of the site, without prior notice to users. The most updated version of the Terms and Conditions is that which binds users of the Site. The user is responsible for periodically rechecking the Site’s Terms and Conditions.


  7. The Site includes original content and information, the intellectual property rights of which the Site is the owner of; the Site is also the owner of the permission required to use the content and information. Use of the Site does not grant the user any right to make use of the intellectual property of the Site and/or that of third parties.

  8. The user undertakes not to perform any action that infringes the Site’s rights and/or that of third parties in the content and/or information appearing on the Site. In addition, it is prohibited to copy, record, distribute, reproduce, translate, advertise, change, process, publish, reverse-engineer, create a derived work from, to lease, broadcast or publicly present the content and/or information presented on this Site.

  9. For the avoidance of doubt, the user is free to use the Site for his own private purposes only. It is prohibited to copy and use, or allow others to use, via any other means, the content from the Site, including other websites, online publications, printed publications and so forth, for any purpose, whether commercial or noncommercial, that is not for private personal use.

  10. It is prohibited to operate, or allow to operate, any computer application or any other means, including web robot programs such as, among others, crawlers, for automatic searching, scanning, copying or retrieving of the content from the Site. This includes not using such means for creating a compilation, collection, or storage containing content from the Site.


  11. Use of the Site and its content is provided “as is” and the user shall have no claim against the Company as a result of the nature of the use and its quality.

  12. The information and the content appearing on the Site are intended to provide information only and do not constitute a recommendation and/or advice and/or a professional opinion on behalf of the Site. The user is solely responsible for all use of the Site, and the Site and/or its owner bear no responsibility for any damage of any kind whatsoever that could potentially be caused to the user of the Site as a result of using its content and/or information, including promotional and/or commercial information, nor for the consequences of their use, be it content originating from the Site or content originating from third parties.

  13. The Site is not responsible for any damage of any kind whatsoever that might be caused to the user of the Site as a result of malfunctions, viruses, Trojan horses and so forth, that might be delivered via the Site.


  14. Insofar as the Site contains access to links leading to other sites (hereinafter: “Other Sites”), the Site is not responsible for the information and/or content on the Other Sites, including technical specifications, prices and advertisements, and/or services and/or products appearing on them. Placing such links to Other Sites does not constitute any recommendation and/or expression of an opinion and/or expression of support and/or endorsement of products and/or services appearing on these sites; the Site bears no responsibility of any kind whatsoever for what is stated on these Other Sites.

  15. The Site makes no guarantee that every link found on the Site will be functional and will lead the users to the active website. The Site is free to remove links included on the Site in the past, or to refrain from adding new links – at its sole discretion.


  16. The user undertakes to make no use on the Site that is not through the user interface provided by the Site and to make no attempt to infiltrate the Site.

  17. The user undertakes not to act to obstruct or interfere with the services provided by the Site and to not perform any action against the law, including an act constituting a computer offense as detailed in the Computers Law 5755-1995 (hereinafter: “Computers Law”), including obstructing or interfering with the proper functioning of the computer or computer-ware, transferring misinformation, unlawfully breaching computer-ware and/or committing another offense, and/or breaching a program that might cause damage to a computer and/or to computer-ware, and/or any other act constituting an unlawful offense.

  18. The user shall bear sole responsibility for any claim and/or demand and/or expense and/or damage caused to the Site as a result of the user’s actions on the Site, including breaching the Site’s Terms and Conditions and/or violating the rights of third parties. The user agrees and undertakes to indemnify the Site, its owners and its management, for any claim and/or demand and/or expense and/or damage of any kind arising from a claim and/or demand directed against him by a third party following breach of a directive of the above provisions of the Term and Conditions by the user, and/or violation of any other right and/or law.


  19. In registering onto and/or browsing and/or using the Site, the Site collects and stores information of the user on the Site and the user agrees that the Site shall keep and use it. The browser data collected, whether actively sent or not, will be kept in an information database of the Site, and the Site and its owner will be free to use the user information for the purpose of the Site and/or the purpose of its business, including purposes of analysis and transfer of statistical information by third parties, including contractors and/or service providers and/or advertisers.

  20. Certain services provided on and through the Site require prior registration and/or entering of, among others, various information on identification, for instance, address, credit card details, required preferences, means of communication, including telephone numbers and email address. The user is aware that such information will be provided over the course of his registering activity, and that its submission is a condition for receiving the relevant services. To remove any doubt, the user is not obliged to provide such personal information; however, not providing such information may result in him not receiving some or all of the services.

  21. The collected information on user activity on the Site is recorded onto the Site in a statistically-automated manner (for example, the pages the user views, the services and offers that interest him, publications that he reads, and so on), as is information about the user’s computer, data from the user’s browser, including the user’s IP address and software and hardware characteristics, by, inter alia, applications collecting information (cookies) on the user, including by third parties, which is also carried out to match the services to the user’s personal preferences.

  22. Without derogating from the above, please note that the information collected will be used: (a) to permit use of the various services on the Site; (b) to improve and develop the services and content offered (including by matching them to the user on the basis of his identity); (c) to identify and address issues related to security, scams, frauds and/or other problems; (d) to change or remove existing services and content; (e) for the purpose of contacting users; (f) for the purpose of sending advertising mail according to the law; (g) for the purpose of the Site’s proper operation and management.

  23. Subject to all laws as well as this Privacy Policy, the Company shall not hand over the personal details of the user of the Site to third parties, with the following notable exceptions: (a) if the user consents as much; (b) if the user purchases/seeks to benefit from/to participate in activities, among others, of businesses and/or third parties, transfers the requested information to them for completing the purchasing process/realizing the benefit/participation in said activities; (c) if a legal dispute exists between the Site and/or its owner and/or its manager and/or Site operators and/or a third party; (d) if unlawful acts are carried out on the Site; (e) if a court injunction orders that your details or the information about you be delivered to a third party in accordance with the provisions of any law; (f) if the Site and/or its owner face a threat of legal action against them due to the user’s acts on the Site; (g) in the framework of a legal proceeding also without a court injunction, including for the purpose of joining the user as a party to the legal proceeding conducted as a result of an act or omission of the latter.

  24. Insofar as the user uses the services of third parties provided by the Site, the privacy protection policy of said third party, which is its own separate privacy policy, shall apply to him.

  25. By browsing the Site, the user agrees to the Site’s Terms and Conditions (including this policy), agrees that any details that may be sent and/or arise from his activity on the Site, including information collected about him in the course of said use, will be stored in the information database as stated herein, and waives any claim that he may have regarding collecting the information, as stated herein.

  26. By using the Site and sending user details, the user agrees that the Company may periodically send him updates and/or other advertising material using his details, including by email and/or text messages according to the law.

  27. Without derogating from the above, by subscribing to the newsletter the user agrees that the Site collects user’s email address for the purpose of newsletter communications.

  28. Users can request that their personal account will be deleted by writing an email to

  29. Users are entitled to review their Data held in the Database. Users who find that such Data is incorrect, incomplete, unclear or not up-to-date may contact the Site and request that the Data be amended or deleted by sending an email to


  30. The laws of Latvia shall apply to the Terms and Conditions and to the use of the Site, and the Riga district courts shall have sole jurisdiction in relation thereto.

  31. Should a provision of the Terms and Conditions be determined unenforceable and/or invalid by a judicial instance, the provision shall be deemed as separate only to the extent required for it to be enforceable and valid. If the provision is anyhow considered invalid and/or unenforceable, the provision shall be deemed as having been removed from the Terms and Conditions and not as having made the remaining provisions of the Terms and Conditions invalid or unenforceable.

  32. Any conduct, waiver, omission to act and/or stay and/or delay of any party in exercising a right of the Site’s rights, according to the Terms and Conditions and/or the Privacy Protection Policy and/or the law, shall not be deemed as a waiver of any right or as an agreement to any violation or nonexistence of a provision of the Terms and Conditions and/or the Privacy Protection Policy, or as providing a postponement or an extension or a change, cancellation or addition of any provision whatsoever, unless done explicitly in writing.

  33. The Site, at its sole discretion, is free to temporarily or permanently discontinue the Site’s activity, carry out any change on the Site, including the services offered on the Site, in its software, its design, the Site’s browsing terms, and so forth.

Intellectual Property and Copyrights
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Privacy Policy
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